Saturday, April 2, 2011

World Invasion - Battle of Los Angeles Movie Review

I went for my first movie after coming back from offshore! and this time, I watched the "World Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles" directed by Jonathan Liebesman starring Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez and the others.

The movie was kinda cool whereby the action was non-stop from the start until the end. Almost every second was making my heart skip a beat and yea, it was thrilling.

Battle of Los Angeles was actually about aliens invasion to the earth unexpectedly and the human military trying to defeat the alien troops with all that they had. When the rest of the cities in the world lost to the aliens, the Los Angeles troops didn't want to give up.

The Marines lost the city to the aliens as well and their airstrike plan didn't seem to work. However, they still didn't want to give up, especially Michael Nantz. His never give up spirit motivated the new rookies, and he and his team took the suicidal decisions to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters. Will they succeed? That's for you to find out in the cinema then. :)

Food for thought
When things go wrong, and after we have tried whatever possible, it was always easy to give in and let the situation lead the way. In the movie, Michael Nantz taught us that even if it seems impossible, press on and never quit.

I suppose he is right. In a tough situation, besides moving on, what else can we do? Just keep on trying. All the best people. :)


Clint said...

And, of course, turn it over to God, in Whom all things are possible. Blessings.

Gabriel said...

agreed. :) blessings.

Ying Ying Dai Tao Har said...

hi, found your blog in someone's blog. I like this movie too, with people not giving up hope, to save lives of the innocent onces. Happy Blogging, God bless ;)