It was the graduation ceremony for all the seniors. So as juniors, by attending the ceremony(even though we didn't get to go in, but at least wait for them to come out from the hall) will be one of the ways to show our appreciation to them.
Due to church service, I didn't make it for the morning session, so would like to apologise to seniors from Civil, BIS and Chemi for not being able to attend your graduation. :) Hope you all don't mind. Anyway, once again congratulations to all of you. I believe it's a great start for all of u in your future undertakings in life. May God bless you all.
Here are some of the pictures i took during the afternoon session. :)
serena with the flowers dedicated to the sister. hehe..
William, one of our beloved church seniors.
even though not graduating, but then still wish to pose with flowers. hahaa...
faithful juniors waiting outside the hall.
posing a bit to kill time. Stella, Kana and Ollivia **can ignore the behind fella(Jim), he is just a bit bored. :P**
Stella and Olliva
yay, finally get to dedicate the flowers. :)
Jesse and family
Jim and Dianne :)
Jesse and Dianne. :D
ah, the photographer of the day! :)
Yuan Bin and me. :)
two best friends' families
Melissa and Erica
ah! the big gun of the day. LOL. dream lense of all photographers.
very very nice pictures dude.. hehe..
haih.. wish u all were there in the morning man.. hehe..
yea, very sorry man. was in the church in the morning. hope u enjoyed urself with your batch mates. :)
when is your convo?
and the throwing hat part, actly not so fun..
coz when the hat dropped down on your head, it hurts, very much..
and if u are throwing with all your friends around 20-30 ppl, u are literally under attack of "hat shower", that is just so not fun..
Dolly: hahhaa...yea, true true, quite scary also. my convo is next year, still one more year to go. about u?
ahh nice, very nice pics!
my convo is coming up this november! cant wait for it! =)
haha, wan me to take photos for u? :)
From the pics..i know William, Jesse and Melisa.. so happy looking at the pics.. congratulations to all of them!!
so Gab, u bila?
hehe, yealo, joyful event. mine ah, next year lo, next year august. auntie wanna come? hehe...
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