Thursday, January 22, 2009

my current neighbourhood

as most of u know, i am now having my internship.

so i am staying somewhere new and different(and exciting perhaps?). here are some pics to share with you all..:)let you all have a glimpse of how's my everyday life has been. :)

early in the morning, i have to "fellowship" with this group of people before getting into the train and on the way to my office. the members change everyday though, but if i am fortunate enough, i might meet the same girls, ahem and same guys for most of the days. :)

the scenery from the train station while waiting for train...

and this, is the pathway to my current house...:)

this is the condo that i intended to stay in initially but too expensive, so have to change plan...haha...

and some residents burning away the rubbish open air...hmmm....i am not sure if the police came afterwards...
to be continued....

1 comment:

Jim said...

lol where are the girls? :P